In-Depth Interview Questions
1. About General cars
1.1 Do you have a car? If yes, which one (brand, model, year)?
If not, do you intend to purchase a car within the next 5 years? What kind of car?
1.2. Why would you want to have/not have a car? (IF THE PERSON SAY “DON'T WANT TO HAVE A CAR”, MOVE TO SECTION 2)
1.3. Can you tell us about your favorite car/dream car? (Brand, color, features, size, etc)
1.4. Purchasing Decision:
- What are your concerns when thinking about getting a car?
- What is most important when you chose a car (fuel consumption, design, performance, brand, security?)
- What are the "Must have" features in your car?
- Would you make the decision on which car to get by yourself? If not, who else would interfere on your purchase decision?
- Where do you go to find information about cars? (Search engine, friends/family, dealership, forums, etc)
1.5. What type of car do you prefer? (compact, sedan, sport, family van, SUV)
1.6. How much would you be willing to spend on a car?
2. About Electric cars
2.1. What do you think of electric cars?
2.2. What kind of electric cars do you know?
2.3. What is your experience with electric cars?
2.4. Would you consider buying an electric car? Why/Why not?
2.5. Would you be willing to pay more for an electric car?
2.6. Do you consider electric cars to be environmentally friendly?
2.7. For you, what are the advantages/disadvantages of buying an electric car?
3. About Tesla
3.1. Have you heard of Tesla?
3.2. What do you think about the brand?
3.3 What do you think this brand stands for? What are the values behind it?
3.4. What are the advantages and disadvantages you see on buying a Tesla?
3.5. Would you consider a Tesla for your next car purchase? Why/ Why not?
3.6. If you had to create a slogan for Tesla, what would it be?
3.7. If you were Tesla’s CEO best friend, what kind of recommendations would you give to him about the brand? (How to approach
the Chinese consumer, about the market, what to say, etc)
4. Psychographics
4.1. If (insert FAVORITE brand) were to throw a party this weekend, who are the people you think would show up for that party? Please describe them. (Physical characteristics, how they would behave, what they would talk about, etc)
4.2. And if (insert INTENDED brand) were to throw a party this weekend, who are the people you think would show up for that party? Please describe them. (Physical characteristics, how they would behave, what they would talk about, etc)
4.3. And if TESLA were to throw a party this weekend, who are the people you think would show up for that party? Please describe them. (Physical characteristics, how they would behave, what they would talk about, etc)